Prim's Algorithm: Understanding Minimum Spanning Trees
Dr Arun Kumar
PhD (Computer Science)- Introduction
- Definition
- Key Concepts
- Steps Overview
- Initialization
- Priority Queue
- Adding Edges
- Updating the Priority Queue
- Algorithm Termination
- Time Complexity
- Space Complexity
- Pseudocode
- Example
- Implementation in Python
- Real-Life Example
- Context
- Applying Prim’s Algorithm
- Nodes and Edges Representation
- Graph Construction
- Initialization
- Priority Queue (Min-Heap)
- Building the MST
- Completion
- Example Walkthrough
- Steps in Prim's Algorithm
- Conclusion
1. Introduction
Prim's Algorithm is a greedy algorithm used to find the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a weighted, undirected graph. The MST is a subset of the graph's edges that connects all vertices together without any cycles and with the minimum possible total edge weight.
2. Definition
Prim's Algorithm starts with a single vertex and grows the MST one edge at a time by adding the smallest edge that connects a vertex in the growing MST to a vertex outside of it.
3. Key Concepts
- Graph: A collection of vertices (nodes) and edges (links between nodes).
- Weighted Graph: Each edge in the graph has an associated weight (cost).
- Minimum Spanning Tree: A subset of edges forming a tree that includes all vertices with the minimum total edge weight.
4. Steps Overview
- Initialize the MST with a single vertex.
- While the MST does not include all vertices:
- Find the smallest edge connecting a vertex in the MST to a vertex outside.
- Add this edge to the MST.
- Repeat until all vertices are included.
5. Initialization
- Choose an arbitrary starting vertex.
- Initialize an empty MST and a set of visited vertices containing only the starting vertex.
6. Priority Queue
- Use a priority queue (min-heap) to efficiently select the smallest edge.
- Initially, insert all edges from the starting vertex into the priority queue.
7. Adding Edges
- Extract the smallest edge from the priority queue.
- If the edge connects a visited vertex to an unvisited vertex, add it to the MST.
8. Updating the Priority Queue
- After adding an edge to the MST, add all edges from the newly visited vertex to the priority queue.
- Ensure edges connecting two visited vertices are not considered.
9. Algorithm Termination
- The algorithm terminates when all vertices are included in the MST.
- The result is the MST with the minimum total edge weight.
10. Time Complexity
- Using a priority queue with a binary heap, the time complexity is O(E log V), where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.
11. Space Complexity
- The space complexity is O(V + E), accounting for the storage of the graph, the priority queue, and the MST.
12. Pseudocode
function primsAlgorithm(graph, startVertex):
MST = []
visited = set([startVertex])
priorityQueue = all edges from startVertex
while priorityQueue is not empty:
edge = priorityQueue.extractMin()
if edge connects visited to unvisited vertex:
add edge to MST
mark new vertex as visited
add all edges from new vertex to priorityQueue
return MST
13. Example
Consider a graph with vertices {A, B, C, D} and edges with weights:
- A-B: 1
- A-C: 3
- B-C: 1
- B-D: 6
- C-D: 2
Starting from vertex A:
- Add edge A-B (weight 1).
- Add edge B-C (weight 1).
- Add edge C-D (weight 2).
MST includes edges: {A-B, B-C, C-D} with total weight 4.
14. Implementation in Python
import heapq
def prims_algorithm(graph, start):
mst = []
visited = set([start])
edges = [(weight, start, to) for to, weight in graph[start].items()]
while edges:
weight, frm, to = heapq.heappop(edges)
if to not in visited:
mst.append((frm, to, weight))
for to_next, weight in graph[to].items():
if to_next not in visited:
heapq.heappush(edges, (weight, to, to_next))
return mst
graph = {
'A': {'B': 1, 'C': 3},
'B': {'A': 1, 'C': 1, 'D': 6},
'C': {'A': 3, 'B': 1, 'D': 2},
'D': {'B': 6, 'C': 2}
print(prims_algorithm(graph, 'A'))
Prim's Algorithm is widely applicable in various real-life scenarios where it's crucial to connect a set of points (or nodes) with the minimum total connection cost. Here’s a detailed real-life example:
Real-Life Example: Designing an Electrical Circuit Layout
Consider a company planning to design the layout of electrical wiring for a new office building. The goal is to connect various electrical outlets (nodes) with the minimum amount of wiring (edges) to ensure that every outlet is connected to the power supply while minimizing the cost of wiring.
Applying Prim’s Algorithm
Nodes and Edges Representation
- Nodes: Each electrical outlet and the main power source represent the nodes in the graph.
- Edges: The possible paths (wiring routes) between outlets and their respective distances (or wiring costs) represent the edges with weights.
Graph Construction
- A weighted, undirected graph is created where each edge weight corresponds to the cost or distance of the wiring between two outlets.
- Choose an arbitrary starting outlet (node), typically the one nearest to the main power source.
- Initialize the MST with the starting outlet and mark it as visited.
Priority Queue (Min-Heap)
- Use a priority queue to manage the edges connecting visited and unvisited nodes, prioritized by the least cost.
Building the MST
- Continuously select the smallest edge from the priority queue that connects a visited outlet to an unvisited one.
- Add this edge to the MST and mark the connected outlet as visited.
- Update the priority queue with new edges from the newly visited outlet.
- Repeat the process until all outlets are included in the MST, ensuring the entire office is wired with the minimum total wiring cost.
Example Walkthrough
Assume the office has four outlets (A, B, C, D) with the following wiring costs (distances):
- A-B: $10
- A-C: $20
- B-C: $5
- B-D: $15
- C-D: $30
Steps in Prim's Algorithm:
Start from outlet A:
- Add edges A-B ($10) and A-C ($20) to the priority queue.
Select edge A-B ($10):
- Add B to the MST, mark it as visited.
- Add edges B-C ($5) and B-D ($15) to the priority queue.
Select edge B-C ($5):
- Add C to the MST, mark it as visited.
- Add edge C-D ($30) to the priority queue.
Select edge B-D ($15):
- Add D to the MST, mark it as visited.
Remaining Edges:
- Edge C-D ($30) is ignored as it connects already visited nodes.
The resulting MST includes edges A-B, B-C, and B-D with a total wiring cost of $30.
By applying Prim's Algorithm, the office building’s electrical wiring layout is designed efficiently with the minimum total wiring cost. This real-life application demonstrates how Prim's Algorithm can optimize the layout of physical connections, reducing both material and labor costs in construction and network design.
15. Conclusion
Prim's Algorithm is efficient for finding the MST in dense graphs. It incrementally builds the MST by always choosing the smallest edge that connects the growing tree to a new vertex. It is particularly useful in networking and circuit design where minimizing the total length of the connections is crucial.